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British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

Division EB Round 10 Scores

Balment, Steve1346Swaney, Sylvia73460
Huitson, Nicky2540Parker, Jill6279261
Callaghan, Rowan3347Cooper, Geoff1331433
Swaney, Sylvia7346Balment, Steve13460
Skinner, Marlene8364Berger, Syd113640
Lewis, Ted9408Bonham, Janet1236840
Staunton, Margaret10392Harkness, Margaret536230
Berger, Syd11364Skinner, Marlene83640
Hoskings, Val15448Morris, Barbara14346102
Bluett, Chris16402Toole, Betty1833270
Elliott, Caroline17389Ashurst, Peter433455

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