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British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB1Name: Steve BalmentRating: 137
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
114180Betty Toole10405339+66
1st    cumulative +66
21412125Janet Bonham11340378−38
    2ndcumulative +28
3146131Jill Parker21453371+82
1st    cumulative +110
41411126Syd Berger31409311+98
    2ndcumulative +208
5144133Peter Ashurst41481309+172
1st    cumulative +380
61313118Geoff Cooper42405417−12
    2ndcumulative +368
7145131Margaret Harkness52317301+16
1st    cumulative +384
8142134Nicky Huitson62472380+92
    2ndcumulative +476
9143133Rowan Callaghan63355403−48
1st    cumulative +428
10167130Sylvia Swaney346346+0
    2ndcumulative +428

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB2Name: Nicky HuitsonRating: 134
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1161795Caroline Elliott10543324+219
    2ndcumulative +219
21611126Syd Berger20433377+56
1st    cumulative +275
3165131Margaret Harkness21400414−14
1st    cumulative +261
4157130Sylvia Swaney31494270+224
    2ndcumulative +485
51912125Janet Bonham41408327+81
1st    cumulative +566
61915113Val Hoskings51509321+188
    2ndcumulative +754
7153133Rowan Callaghan61413331+82
    2ndcumulative +836
8141137Steve Balment62380472−92
1st    cumulative +744
91510129Margaret Staunton63426466−40
1st    cumulative +704
10146131Jill Parker73540279+261
1st    cumulative +965

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB3Name: Rowan CallaghanRating: 133
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
11915113Val Hoskings10438323+115
    2ndcumulative +115
21910129Margaret Staunton20422302+120
1st    cumulative +235
3198129Marlene Skinner30346307+39
1st    cumulative +274
41912125Janet Bonham31324374−50
    2ndcumulative +224
5155131Margaret Harkness41506414+92
1st    cumulative +316
6157130Sylvia Swaney51350310+40
    2ndcumulative +356
7152134Nicky Huitson52331413−82
1st    cumulative +274
8156131Jill Parker62401379+22
    2ndcumulative +296
9141137Steve Balment72403355+48
    2ndcumulative +344
101313118Geoff Cooper82347314+33
1st    cumulative +377

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB4Name: Peter AshurstRating: 133
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
12116106Chris Bluett10358279+79
    2ndcumulative +79
21313118Geoff Cooper11345382−37
1st    cumulative +42
3217130Sylvia Swaney21366365+1
1st    cumulative +43
4165131Margaret Harkness22311414−103
    2ndcumulative −60
5141137Steve Balment23309481−172
    2ndcumulative −232
6176131Jill Parker24365384−19
1st    cumulative −251
7179129Ted Lewis25355384−29
1st    cumulative −280
82011126Syd Berger35562303+259
    2ndcumulative −21
920180Betty Toole36357378−21
1st    cumulative −42
10201795Caroline Elliott37334389−55
    2ndcumulative −97

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB5Name: Margaret HarknessRating: 131
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1179129Ted Lewis10396385+11
1st    cumulative +11
21714118Barbara Morris20506392+114
1st    cumulative +125
3162134Nicky Huitson30414400+14
    2ndcumulative +139
4164133Peter Ashurst40414311+103
1st    cumulative +242
5153133Rowan Callaghan41414506−92
    2ndcumulative +150
61412125Janet Bonham51448367+81
1st    cumulative +231
7141137Steve Balment52301317−16
    2ndcumulative +215
81313118Geoff Cooper53382396−14
1st    cumulative +201
9186131Jill Parker54329524−195
    2ndcumulative +6
101510129Margaret Staunton55362392−30
1st    cumulative −24

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB6Name: Jill ParkerRating: 131
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
11512125Janet Bonham01369404−35
1st    cumulative −35
215180Betty Toole11361352+9
    2ndcumulative −26
3141137Steve Balment12371453−82
    2ndcumulative −108
41715113Val Hoskings22438386+52
1st    cumulative −56
51711126Syd Berger32389336+53
1st    cumulative −3
6174133Peter Ashurst42384365+19
    2ndcumulative +16
71910129Margaret Staunton43318369−51
    2ndcumulative −35
8153133Rowan Callaghan44379401−22
1st    cumulative −57
9185131Margaret Harkness54524329+195
1st    cumulative +138
10142134Nicky Huitson55279540−261
    2ndcumulative −123

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB7Name: Sylvia SwaneyRating: 130
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
11313118Geoff Cooper10382302+80
    2ndcumulative +80
22116106Chris Bluett20388268+120
1st    cumulative +200
3214133Peter Ashurst21365366−1
    2ndcumulative +199
4152134Nicky Huitson22270494−224
1st    cumulative −25
51615113Val Hoskings32420325+95
    2ndcumulative +70
6153133Rowan Callaghan33310350−40
1st    cumulative +30
71812125Janet Bonham34312437−125
    2ndcumulative −95
8189129Ted Lewis44399368+31
    2ndcumulative −64
91614118Barbara Morris54399352+47
1st    cumulative −17
10161137Steve Balment346346+0
1st    cumulative −17

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB8Name: Marlene SkinnerRating: 129
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
12010129Margaret Staunton10379352+27
    2ndcumulative +27
22015113Val Hoskings11379383−4
1st    cumulative +23
3193133Rowan Callaghan12307346−39
    2ndcumulative −16
41313118Geoff Cooper13369373−4
1st    cumulative −20
52116106Chris Bluett14262440−178
    2ndcumulative −198
62114118Barbara Morris15303380−77
1st    cumulative −275
721180Betty Toole25350341+9
    2ndcumulative −266
8211795Caroline Elliott26329448−119
    2ndcumulative −385
9199129Ted Lewis27326419−93
1st    cumulative −478
102111126Syd Berger364364+0
    2ndcumulative −478

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB9Name: Ted LewisRating: 129
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1175131Margaret Harkness01385396−11
    2ndcumulative −11
2181795Caroline Elliott02387392−5
1st    cumulative −16
31711126Syd Berger12406382+24
    2ndcumulative +8
42010129Margaret Staunton13375415−40
1st    cumulative −32
52014118Barbara Morris14328491−163
    2ndcumulative −195
61616106Chris Bluett24423321+102
1st    cumulative −93
7174133Peter Ashurst34384355+29
    2ndcumulative −64
8187130Sylvia Swaney35368399−31
1st    cumulative −95
9198129Marlene Skinner45419326+93
    2ndcumulative −2
101812125Janet Bonham55408368+40
    2ndcumulative +38

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB10Name: Margaret StauntonRating: 129
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1208129Marlene Skinner01352379−27
1st    cumulative −27
2193133Rowan Callaghan02302422−120
    2ndcumulative −147
32015113Val Hoskings03264404−140
1st    cumulative −287
4209129Ted Lewis13415375+40
    2ndcumulative −247
518180Betty Toole23382357+25
1st    cumulative −222
6181795Caroline Elliott33462378+84
    2ndcumulative −138
7196131Jill Parker43369318+51
1st    cumulative −87
81716106Chris Bluett53369310+59
1st    cumulative −28
9152134Nicky Huitson63466426+40
    2ndcumulative +12
10155131Margaret Harkness73392362+30
    2ndcumulative +42

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB11Name: Syd BergerRating: 126
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
11814118Barbara Morris10415348+67
    2ndcumulative +67
2162134Nicky Huitson11377433−56
    2ndcumulative +11
3179129Ted Lewis12382406−24
1st    cumulative −13
4141137Steve Balment13311409−98
1st    cumulative −111
5176131Jill Parker14336389−53
    2ndcumulative −164
620180Betty Toole24484275+209
    2ndcumulative +45
7201795Caroline Elliott25317339−22
1st    cumulative +23
8204133Peter Ashurst26303562−259
1st    cumulative −236
92115113Val Hoskings27354465−111
    2ndcumulative −347
10218129Marlene Skinner364364+0
1st    cumulative −347

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB12Name: Janet BonhamRating: 125
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1156131Jill Parker10404369+35
    2ndcumulative +35
2141137Steve Balment20378340+38
1st    cumulative +73
315180Betty Toole30371370+1
1st    cumulative +74
4193133Rowan Callaghan40374324+50
1st    cumulative +124
5192134Nicky Huitson41327408−81
    2ndcumulative +43
6145131Margaret Harkness42367448−81
    2ndcumulative −38
7187130Sylvia Swaney52437312+125
1st    cumulative +87
81614118Barbara Morris62452403+49
    2ndcumulative +136
91313118Geoff Cooper63365387−22
    2ndcumulative +114
10189129Ted Lewis64368408−40
1st    cumulative +74

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB13Name: Geoff CooperRating: 118
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1137130Sylvia Swaney01302382−80
1st    cumulative −80
2134133Peter Ashurst11382345+37
    2ndcumulative −43
31316106Chris Bluett12339343−4
1st    cumulative −47
4138129Marlene Skinner22373369+4
    2ndcumulative −43
5131795Caroline Elliott32372318+54
1st    cumulative +11
6131137Steve Balment42417405+12
1st    cumulative +23
71314118Barbara Morris52430411+19
    2ndcumulative +42
8135131Margaret Harkness62396382+14
    2ndcumulative +56
91312125Janet Bonham72387365+22
1st    cumulative +78
10133133Rowan Callaghan73314347−33
    2ndcumulative +45

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB14Name: Barbara MorrisRating: 118
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
11811126Syd Berger01348415−67
1st    cumulative −67
2175131Margaret Harkness02392506−114
    2ndcumulative −181
3181795Caroline Elliott12414378+36
    2ndcumulative −145
42116106Chris Bluett13375397−22
    2ndcumulative −167
5209129Ted Lewis23491328+163
1st    cumulative −4
6218129Marlene Skinner33380303+77
    2ndcumulative +73
71313118Geoff Cooper34411430−19
1st    cumulative +54
81612125Janet Bonham35403452−49
1st    cumulative +5
9167130Sylvia Swaney36352399−47
    2ndcumulative −42
101915113Val Hoskings37346448−102
1st    cumulative −144

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB15Name: Val HoskingsRating: 113
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1193133Rowan Callaghan01323438−115
1st    cumulative −115
2208129Marlene Skinner11383379+4
    2ndcumulative −111
32010129Margaret Staunton21404264+140
    2ndcumulative +29
4176131Jill Parker22386438−52
    2ndcumulative −23
5167130Sylvia Swaney23325420−95
1st    cumulative −118
6192134Nicky Huitson24321509−188
1st    cumulative −306
71616106Chris Bluett34464409+55
    2ndcumulative −251
819180Betty Toole35359407−48
1st    cumulative −299
92111126Syd Berger45465354+111
1st    cumulative −188
101914118Barbara Morris55448346+102
    2ndcumulative −86

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB16Name: Chris BluettRating: 106
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1214133Peter Ashurst01279358−79
1st    cumulative −79
2217130Sylvia Swaney02268388−120
    2ndcumulative −199
31313118Geoff Cooper12343339+4
    2ndcumulative −195
42114118Barbara Morris22397375+22
1st    cumulative −173
5218129Marlene Skinner32440262+178
1st    cumulative +5
6169129Ted Lewis33321423−102
    2ndcumulative −97
71615113Val Hoskings34409464−55
1st    cumulative −152
81710129Margaret Staunton35310369−59
    2ndcumulative −211
9171795Caroline Elliott45369365+4
1st    cumulative −207
1017180Betty Toole55402332+70
    2ndcumulative −137

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB17Name: Caroline ElliottRating: 95
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1162134Nicky Huitson01324543−219
1st    cumulative −219
2189129Ted Lewis11392387+5
    2ndcumulative −214
31814118Barbara Morris12378414−36
1st    cumulative −250
418180Betty Toole13327361−34
    2ndcumulative −284
51313118Geoff Cooper14318372−54
    2ndcumulative −338
61810129Margaret Staunton15378462−84
1st    cumulative −422
72011126Syd Berger25339317+22
    2ndcumulative −400
8218129Marlene Skinner35448329+119
1st    cumulative −281
91716106Chris Bluett36365369−4
    2ndcumulative −285
10204133Peter Ashurst46389334+55
1st    cumulative −230

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EB18Name: Betty TooleRating: 0
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1141137Steve Balment01339405−66
    2ndcumulative −66
2156131Jill Parker02352361−9
1st    cumulative −75
31512125Janet Bonham03370371−1
    2ndcumulative −76
4181795Caroline Elliott13361327+34
1st    cumulative −42
51810129Margaret Staunton14357382−25
    2ndcumulative −67
62011126Syd Berger15275484−209
1st    cumulative −276
7218129Marlene Skinner16341350−9
1st    cumulative −285
81915113Val Hoskings26407359+48
    2ndcumulative −237
9204133Peter Ashurst36378357+21
    2ndcumulative −216
101716106Chris Bluett37332402−70
1st    cumulative −286

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.