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British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

Division EA Round 10 Scores

Scott(GM), Neil2436Byrne, Amy1337957
Linn, Bob5398Robinsky, Rob138711
Winter, Winter6372Becher, Andy1536111
Richland(Exp), Robert7475Shenkin, David2038293
Perry, Steve8545Bonham, Graham23363182
Ashmore, John9455Kelly(GM), Wayne337283
Jardine, Elisabeth10436Milton, Daniel2137264
Nang, Sandy11459Ashmore, Anne1240653
Bingham, Rachel14472Sadler, Alison1641755
Pinner, Matthew17439Lipe, Chris435782
Richland, Kathy22414Berger, Adrienne1935361
Goldberg, Randi24420MacInerney, Ruth1836555

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