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British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA1Name: Rob RobinskyRating: 195
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1120147David Shenkin01419517−98
    2ndcumulative −98
2115152Andy Becher11471286+185
1st    cumulative +87
318164Steve Perry21448378+70
    2ndcumulative +157
4421146Daniel Milton31389366+23
1st    cumulative +180
5523145Graham Bonham41462345+117
1st    cumulative +297
6111159Sandy Nang51431430+1
    2ndcumulative +298
712182Neil Scott(GM)52374407−33
1st    cumulative +265
833181Wayne Kelly(GM)53394415−21
    2ndcumulative +244
927167Robert Richland(Exp)63423369+54
    2ndcumulative +298
1045173Bob Linn64387398−11
1st    cumulative +287

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA2Name: Neil Scott(GM)Rating: 182
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1324144Randi Goldberg10587297+290
    2ndcumulative +290
2316152Alison Sadler11393503−110
    2ndcumulative +180
3311159Sandy Nang21418416+2
1st    cumulative +182
435173Bob Linn31511272+239
1st    cumulative +421
519162John Ashmore41469375+94
    2ndcumulative +515
627167Robert Richland(Exp)51512277+235
1st    cumulative +750
711195Rob Robinsky61407374+33
    2ndcumulative +783
814179Chris Lipe62434467−33
1st    cumulative +750
913181Wayne Kelly(GM)63440441−1
1st    cumulative +749
10213155Amy Byrne73436379+57
    2ndcumulative +806

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA3Name: Wayne Kelly(GM)Rating: 181
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1522145Kathy Richland01419429−10
    2ndcumulative −10
2514154Rachel Bingham11485285+200
1st    cumulative +190
3512157Anne Ashmore21479370+109
1st    cumulative +299
454179Chris Lipe22358500−142
    2ndcumulative +157
5211159Sandy Nang32480351+129
1st    cumulative +286
6716152Alison Sadler42394374+20
    2ndcumulative +306
775173Bob Linn52468383+85
1st    cumulative +391
831195Rob Robinsky62415394+21
1st    cumulative +412
912182Neil Scott(GM)72441440+1
    2ndcumulative +413
1019162John Ashmore73372455−83
    2ndcumulative +330

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA4Name: Chris LipeRating: 179
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1821146Daniel Milton01324378−54
    2ndcumulative −54
2813155Amy Byrne11487445+42
1st    cumulative −12
387167Robert Richland(Exp)12442463−21
    2ndcumulative −33
453181Wayne Kelly(GM)22500358+142
1st    cumulative +109
5619147Adrienne Berger32497403+94
1st    cumulative +203
6422145Kathy Richland42492383+109
    2ndcumulative +312
7312157Anne Ashmore52424350+74
1st    cumulative +386
812182Neil Scott(GM)62467434+33
    2ndcumulative +419
939162John Ashmore63407415−8
1st    cumulative +411
10317149Matthew Pinner64357439−82
    2ndcumulative +329

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA5Name: Bob LinnRating: 173
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
11023145Graham Bonham01342412−70
1st    cumulative −70
21018148Ruth MacInerney11448395+53
    2ndcumulative −17
31010162Elisabeth Jardine21490321+169
1st    cumulative +152
432182Neil Scott(GM)22272511−239
    2ndcumulative −87
5320147David Shenkin32441325+116
    2ndcumulative +29
6321146Daniel Milton42452407+45
1st    cumulative +74
773181Wayne Kelly(GM)43383468−85
    2ndcumulative −11
8411159Sandy Nang53430401+29
1st    cumulative +18
9817149Matthew Pinner63510439+71
1st    cumulative +89
1041195Rob Robinsky73398387+11
    2ndcumulative +100

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA6Name: Winter WinterRating: 172
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1619147Adrienne Berger01381432−51
    2ndcumulative −51
21217149Matthew Pinner02344429−85
    2ndcumulative −136
3129162John Ashmore03401428−27
1st    cumulative −163
41224144Randi Goldberg13382355+27
1st    cumulative −136
51210162Elisabeth Jardine23391350+41
    2ndcumulative −95
61013155Amy Byrne24374442−68
    2ndcumulative −163
788164Steve Perry34449438+11
1st    cumulative −152
81220147David Shenkin44521327+194
1st    cumulative +42
9712157Anne Ashmore54497369+128
    2ndcumulative +170
10715152Andy Becher64372361+11
    2ndcumulative +181

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA7Name: Robert Richland(Exp)Rating: 167
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1913155Amy Byrne01435443−8
    2ndcumulative −8
2921146Daniel Milton11473348+125
1st    cumulative +117
384179Chris Lipe21463442+21
1st    cumulative +138
4822145Kathy Richland31485368+117
    2ndcumulative +255
5816152Alison Sadler41471321+150
1st    cumulative +405
622182Neil Scott(GM)42277512−235
    2ndcumulative +170
7211159Sandy Nang52419311+108
1st    cumulative +278
829162John Ashmore53343527−184
    2ndcumulative +94
921195Rob Robinsky54369423−54
1st    cumulative +40
10520147David Shenkin64475382+93
    2ndcumulative +133

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA8Name: Steve PerryRating: 164
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1215152Andy Becher10368362+6
    2ndcumulative +6
2220147David Shenkin11358380−22
1st    cumulative −16
311195Rob Robinsky12378448−70
1st    cumulative −86
4619147Adrienne Berger22426397+29
    2ndcumulative −57
5913155Amy Byrne23413417−4
1st    cumulative −61
6817149Matthew Pinner33514427+87
    2ndcumulative +26
786172Winter Winter34438449−11
    2ndcumulative +15
8821146Daniel Milton44580340+240
1st    cumulative +255
91014154Rachel Bingham45384433−49
    2ndcumulative +206
101023145Graham Bonham55545363+182
1st    cumulative +388

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA9Name: John AshmoreRating: 162
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
11217149Matthew Pinner10462400+62
1st    cumulative +62
2619147Adrienne Berger20436276+160
1st    cumulative +222
3126172Winter Winter30428401+27
    2ndcumulative +249
4111159Sandy Nang31262473−211
    2ndcumulative +38
512182Neil Scott(GM)32375469−94
1st    cumulative −56
6523145Graham Bonham42365361+4
    2ndcumulative −52
71016152Alison Sadler52499432+67
1st    cumulative +15
827167Robert Richland(Exp)62527343+184
1st    cumulative +199
934179Chris Lipe72415407+8
    2ndcumulative +207
1013181Wayne Kelly(GM)82455372+83
1st    cumulative +290

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA10Name: Elisabeth JardineRating: 162
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
11118148Ruth MacInerney01407450−43
    2ndcumulative −43
21123145Graham Bonham02319460−141
1st    cumulative −184
3105173Bob Linn03321490−169
    2ndcumulative −353
41015152Andy Becher13403393+10
    2ndcumulative −343
5126172Winter Winter14350391−41
1st    cumulative −384
61224144Randi Goldberg15398445−47
1st    cumulative −431
71220147David Shenkin16382464−82
    2ndcumulative −513
8619147Adrienne Berger17392437−45
1st    cumulative −558
91122145Kathy Richland27377354+23
    2ndcumulative −535
101121146Daniel Milton37436372+64
1st    cumulative −471

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA11Name: Sandy NangRating: 159
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1416152Alison Sadler10599394+205
1st    cumulative +205
2424144Randi Goldberg20479293+186
    2ndcumulative +391
332182Neil Scott(GM)21416418−2
    2ndcumulative +389
419162John Ashmore31473262+211
1st    cumulative +600
523181Wayne Kelly(GM)32351480−129
    2ndcumulative +471
611195Rob Robinsky33430431−1
1st    cumulative +470
727167Robert Richland(Exp)34311419−108
    2ndcumulative +362
845173Bob Linn35401430−29
    2ndcumulative +333
9415152Andy Becher36382445−63
1st    cumulative +270
10912157Anne Ashmore46459406+53
1st    cumulative +323

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA12Name: Anne AshmoreRating: 157
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1714154Rachel Bingham01387424−37
1st    cumulative −37
2722145Kathy Richland11490379+111
1st    cumulative +74
353181Wayne Kelly(GM)12370479−109
    2ndcumulative −35
4913155Amy Byrne22407348+59
    2ndcumulative +24
51015152Andy Becher23384389−5
1st    cumulative +19
6918148Ruth MacInerney33428399+29
1st    cumulative +48
734179Chris Lipe34350424−74
    2ndcumulative −26
8716152Alison Sadler35383388−5
    2ndcumulative −31
976172Winter Winter36369497−128
1st    cumulative −159
10911159Sandy Nang37406459−53
    2ndcumulative −212

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA13Name: Amy ByrneRating: 155
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
197167Robert Richland(Exp)10443435+8
1st    cumulative +8
284179Chris Lipe11445487−42
    2ndcumulative −34
3921146Daniel Milton12302430−128
    2ndcumulative −162
4912157Anne Ashmore13348407−59
1st    cumulative −221
598164Steve Perry23417413+4
    2ndcumulative −217
6106172Winter Winter33442374+68
1st    cumulative −149
7918148Ruth MacInerney43503377+126
    2ndcumulative −23
8914154Rachel Bingham53434363+71
1st    cumulative +48
9523145Graham Bonham63429297+132
    2ndcumulative +180
1022182Neil Scott(GM)64379436−57
1st    cumulative +123

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA14Name: Rachel BinghamRating: 154
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1712157Anne Ashmore10424387+37
    2ndcumulative +37
253181Wayne Kelly(GM)11285485−200
    2ndcumulative −163
3722145Kathy Richland12326476−150
1st    cumulative −313
41118148Ruth MacInerney22525338+187
1st    cumulative −126
51124144Randi Goldberg32438304+134
    2ndcumulative +8
61120147David Shenkin33350389−39
1st    cumulative −31
7523145Graham Bonham34398420−22
    2ndcumulative −53
8913155Amy Byrne35363434−71
    2ndcumulative −124
9108164Steve Perry45433384+49
1st    cumulative −75
10816152Alison Sadler55472417+55
    2ndcumulative −20

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA15Name: Andy BecherRating: 152
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
128164Steve Perry01362368−6
1st    cumulative −6
211195Rob Robinsky02286471−185
    2ndcumulative −191
3220147David Shenkin12458393+65
    2ndcumulative −126
41010162Elisabeth Jardine13393403−10
1st    cumulative −136
51012157Anne Ashmore23389384+5
    2ndcumulative −131
6619147Adrienne Berger24343344−1
1st    cumulative −132
71122145Kathy Richland34445417+28
    2ndcumulative −104
81018148Ruth MacInerney44377372+5
1st    cumulative −99
9411159Sandy Nang54445382+63
    2ndcumulative −36
1076172Winter Winter55361372−11
1st    cumulative −47

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA16Name: Alison SadlerRating: 152
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1411159Sandy Nang01394599−205
    2ndcumulative −205
232182Neil Scott(GM)11503393+110
1st    cumulative −95
3424144Randi Goldberg21410400+10
1st    cumulative −85
4717149Matthew Pinner31431321+110
    2ndcumulative +25
587167Robert Richland(Exp)32321471−150
    2ndcumulative −125
673181Wayne Kelly(GM)33374394−20
1st    cumulative −145
7109162John Ashmore34432499−67
    2ndcumulative −212
8712157Anne Ashmore44388383+5
1st    cumulative −207
9920147David Shenkin45359413−54
    2ndcumulative −261
10814154Rachel Bingham46417472−55
1st    cumulative −316

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA17Name: Matthew PinnerRating: 149
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1129162John Ashmore01400462−62
    2ndcumulative −62
2126172Winter Winter11429344+85
1st    cumulative +23
3619147Adrienne Berger21443297+146
    2ndcumulative +169
4716152Alison Sadler22321431−110
1st    cumulative +59
5718148Ruth MacInerney32408381+27
    2ndcumulative +86
688164Steve Perry33427514−87
1st    cumulative −1
7421146Daniel Milton43475209+266
    2ndcumulative +265
8523145Graham Bonham53365348+17
1st    cumulative +282
985173Bob Linn54439510−71
    2ndcumulative +211
1034179Chris Lipe64439357+82
1st    cumulative +293

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA18Name: Ruth MacInerneyRating: 148
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
11110162Elisabeth Jardine10450407+43
1st    cumulative +43
2105173Bob Linn11395448−53
1st    cumulative −10
31123145Graham Bonham21430325+105
    2ndcumulative +95
41114154Rachel Bingham22338525−187
    2ndcumulative −92
5717149Matthew Pinner23381408−27
1st    cumulative −119
6912157Anne Ashmore24399428−29
    2ndcumulative −148
7913155Amy Byrne25377503−126
1st    cumulative −274
81015152Andy Becher26372377−5
    2ndcumulative −279
9619147Adrienne Berger36410394+16
    2ndcumulative −263
101224144Randi Goldberg37365420−55
1st    cumulative −318

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA19Name: Adrienne BergerRating: 147
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
166172Winter Winter10432381+51
1st    cumulative +51
269162John Ashmore11276436−160
    2ndcumulative −109
3617149Matthew Pinner12297443−146
1st    cumulative −255
468164Steve Perry13397426−29
1st    cumulative −284
564179Chris Lipe14403497−94
    2ndcumulative −378
6615152Andy Becher24344343+1
    2ndcumulative −377
7624144Randi Goldberg25354520−166
1st    cumulative −543
8610162Elisabeth Jardine35437392+45
    2ndcumulative −498
9618148Ruth MacInerney36394410−16
1st    cumulative −514
10622145Kathy Richland37353414−61
1st    cumulative −575

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA20Name: David ShenkinRating: 147
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
111195Rob Robinsky10517419+98
1st    cumulative +98
228164Steve Perry20380358+22
    2ndcumulative +120
3215152Andy Becher21393458−65
1st    cumulative +55
4223145Graham Bonham22315488−173
    2ndcumulative −118
535173Bob Linn23325441−116
1st    cumulative −234
61114154Rachel Bingham33389350+39
    2ndcumulative −195
71210162Elisabeth Jardine43464382+82
1st    cumulative −113
8126172Winter Winter44327521−194
    2ndcumulative −307
9916152Alison Sadler54413359+54
1st    cumulative −253
1057167Robert Richland(Exp)55382475−93
1st    cumulative −346

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA21Name: Daniel MiltonRating: 146
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
184179Chris Lipe10378324+54
1st    cumulative +54
297167Robert Richland(Exp)11348473−125
    2ndcumulative −71
3913155Amy Byrne21430302+128
1st    cumulative +57
441195Rob Robinsky22366389−23
    2ndcumulative +34
5422145Kathy Richland32353349+4
1st    cumulative +38
635173Bob Linn33407452−45
    2ndcumulative −7
7417149Matthew Pinner34209475−266
1st    cumulative −273
888164Steve Perry35340580−240
    2ndcumulative −513
91224144Randi Goldberg36366426−60
1st    cumulative −573
101110162Elisabeth Jardine37372436−64
    2ndcumulative −637

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA22Name: Kathy RichlandRating: 145
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
153181Wayne Kelly(GM)10429419+10
1st    cumulative +10
2712157Anne Ashmore11379490−111
    2ndcumulative −101
3714154Rachel Bingham21476326+150
    2ndcumulative +49
487167Robert Richland(Exp)22368485−117
1st    cumulative −68
5421146Daniel Milton23349353−4
    2ndcumulative −72
644179Chris Lipe24383492−109
1st    cumulative −181
71115152Andy Becher25417445−28
1st    cumulative −209
81124144Randi Goldberg26390480−90
    2ndcumulative −299
91110162Elisabeth Jardine27354377−23
1st    cumulative −322
10619147Adrienne Berger37414353+61
    2ndcumulative −261

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA23Name: Graham BonhamRating: 145
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
1105173Bob Linn10412342+70
    2ndcumulative +70
21110162Elisabeth Jardine20460319+141
    2ndcumulative +211
31118148Ruth MacInerney21325430−105
1st    cumulative +106
4220147David Shenkin31488315+173
1st    cumulative +279
551195Rob Robinsky32345462−117
    2ndcumulative +162
659162John Ashmore33361365−4
1st    cumulative +158
7514154Rachel Bingham43420398+22
1st    cumulative +180
8517149Matthew Pinner44348365−17
    2ndcumulative +163
9513155Amy Byrne45297429−132
1st    cumulative +31
10108164Steve Perry46363545−182
    2ndcumulative −151

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.


British Matchplay Scrabble Championship
BMSC Extra, Sutton Bonnington, 26th-27th August 2016
There will be live streaming of games to Twitch TV.
Live Coverage
Annotated games here

EA24Name: Randi GoldbergRating: 144
RoundTableOpp. #RatingOpponent NameWonLostPlayer
132182Neil Scott(GM)01297587−290
1st    cumulative −290
2411159Sandy Nang02293479−186
1st    cumulative −476
3416152Alison Sadler03400410−10
    2ndcumulative −486
4126172Winter Winter04355382−27
    2ndcumulative −513
51114154Rachel Bingham05304438−134
1st    cumulative −647
61210162Elisabeth Jardine15445398+47
    2ndcumulative −600
7619147Adrienne Berger25520354+166
    2ndcumulative −434
81122145Kathy Richland35480390+90
1st    cumulative −344
91221146Daniel Milton45426366+60
    2ndcumulative −284
101218148Ruth MacInerney55420365+55
    2ndcumulative −229

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.