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UK Open Warm Up - 4th and 5th January 2025

Division B Tuff Luck

RankSum of
Losing SpreadsWon-LostSpreadPlayer
122122 23 27 41 51 57 5.0- 9.0-301Thomas Carey (B15)
22334 11 17 41 70 90 5.0- 9.0-194Alan Abela (B10)
324012 15 44 46 48 75 4.0-10.0-433Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)
42767 27 31 32 87 92 6.5- 7.5-69Adrienne Berger (B8)
527615 16 48 53 64 80 7.0- 7.0-33Christine Cooper (B3)
630112 13 42 73 73 88 5.0- 9.0-153Suzanne Dundas (B6)
734638 39 43 69 69 88 5.0- 9.0-628Mary Allen (B14)
835713 24 28 82 103 107 6.0- 8.0-53Ruth MacInerney (B2)
94376 27 34 57 137 176 8.0- 6.0+25Stephen Wintle (B12)
1055141 49 82 89 131 159 8.0- 6.0+365Nicky Huitson (B5)
116139 24 56 110 155 259 8.0- 6.0+94David Reading (B11)
1267645 52 81 126 138 234 7.0- 7.0-415Rose Northmore (B16)

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