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UK Open Warm Up - 4th and 5th January 2025

Division B Low Spreads

30397397Adrienne Berger (B8)Dave Hoskisson (B4)
114396392Thomas Carey (B15)Alan Abela (B10)
16368362Mary Allen (B14)Stephen Wintle (B12)
117396389Ronan Dance (B7)Adrienne Berger (B8)
129363354Christine Cooper (B3)David Reading (B11)
711396385Christine Cooper (B3)Greg Kelly (B1)
1311421410David Reading (B11)Alan Abela (B10)
311398387Stephen Wintle (B12)Greg Kelly (B1)
212403391Stephen Wintle (B12)Suzanne Dundas (B6)
1212412400Rose Northmore (B16)Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)
413372359Adrienne Berger (B8)Ruth MacInerney (B2)
1113410397Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)Suzanne Dundas (B6)
613374361Mary Allen (B14)Ronan Dance (B7)
915362347Dave Hoskisson (B4)Christine Cooper (B3)
115409394Adrienne Berger (B8)Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)
816410394Peter Thorpe (B13)Christine Cooper (B3)
817362345David Reading (B11)Alan Abela (B10)
917406389Peter Thorpe (B13)Ronan Dance (B7)
422389367Christine Cooper (B3)Thomas Carey (B15)
1323456433Rose Northmore (B16)Thomas Carey (B15)
424375351Greg Kelly (B1)David Reading (B11)
824403379Stephen Wintle (B12)Ruth MacInerney (B2)
427406379Ronan Dance (B7)Stephen Wintle (B12)
627398371Stephen Wintle (B12)Thomas Carey (B15)
227396369Rose Northmore (B16)Adrienne Berger (B8)
1228429401Dave Hoskisson (B4)Ruth MacInerney (B2)
1231417386Thomas Carey (B15)Adrienne Berger (B8)
1032409377Christine Cooper (B3)Adrienne Berger (B8)
1234415381Peter Thorpe (B13)Stephen Wintle (B12)
1035391356Greg Kelly (B1)Peter Thorpe (B13)
838393355Adrienne Berger (B8)Mary Allen (B14)
339398359Christine Cooper (B3)Mary Allen (B14)
141397356Greg Kelly (B1)Thomas Carey (B15)
241363322Dave Hoskisson (B4)Alan Abela (B10)
541417376Alan Abela (B10)Nicky Huitson (B5)
742475433Ronan Dance (B7)Suzanne Dundas (B6)
943434391Alan Abela (B10)Mary Allen (B14)
944405361Stephen Wintle (B12)Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)
145456411Ruth MacInerney (B2)Rose Northmore (B16)
746416370Dave Hoskisson (B4)Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)
1448417369Suzanne Dundas (B6)Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)
248457409Ronan Dance (B7)Christine Cooper (B3)
249467418Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)Nicky Huitson (B5)
851450399Nicky Huitson (B5)Thomas Carey (B15)
1051399348Stephen Wintle (B12)Dave Hoskisson (B4)
852456404Suzanne Dundas (B6)Rose Northmore (B16)
1453430377Rose Northmore (B16)Christine Cooper (B3)
1054441387Ruth MacInerney (B2)Ronan Dance (B7)
956420364Adrienne Berger (B8)David Reading (B11)
757428371David Reading (B11)Stephen Wintle (B12)
1457382325Mary Allen (B14)Thomas Carey (B15)
1364437373Greg Kelly (B1)Christine Cooper (B3)
364438374Ronan Dance (B7)Thomas Carey (B15)
269428359Greg Kelly (B1)Mary Allen (B14)
1269385316Suzanne Dundas (B6)Mary Allen (B14)
1470412342Adrienne Berger (B8)Alan Abela (B10)
173409336Christine Cooper (B3)Suzanne Dundas (B6)
573430357Thomas Carey (B15)Suzanne Dundas (B6)
875420345Greg Kelly (B1)Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)
1376402326Mary Allen (B14)Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)
580432352Stephen Wintle (B12)Christine Cooper (B3)
1181449368David Reading (B11)Rose Northmore (B16)
982408326Greg Kelly (B1)Ruth MacInerney (B2)
382457375Peter Thorpe (B13)Nicky Huitson (B5)
587477390Peter Thorpe (B13)Adrienne Berger (B8)
988435347Nicky Huitson (B5)Suzanne Dundas (B6)
1488435347Nicky Huitson (B5)Ronan Dance (B7)
1288507419Ronan Dance (B7)Greg Kelly (B1)
1088406318Rose Northmore (B16)Mary Allen (B14)
1089458369David Reading (B11)Nicky Huitson (B5)
1090382292Alan Abela (B10)Suzanne Dundas (B6)
190401311Peter Thorpe (B13)Alan Abela (B10)
792493401Alan Abela (B10)Adrienne Berger (B8)
1294459365Nicky Huitson (B5)Alan Abela (B10)
394369275David Reading (B11)Suzanne Dundas (B6)
794401307Thomas Carey (B15)Mary Allen (B14)
496413317Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)Alan Abela (B10)
1198421323Ruth MacInerney (B2)Christine Cooper (B3)
698449351Suzanne Dundas (B6)Greg Kelly (B1)
1098457359Thomas Carey (B15)Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)
2103462359Peter Thorpe (B13)Ruth MacInerney (B2)
7107411304Nicky Huitson (B5)Ruth MacInerney (B2)
5110426316Mary Allen (B14)David Reading (B11)
5113514401Ronan Dance (B7)Greg Kelly (B1)
6116504388Ruth MacInerney (B2)Dave Hoskisson (B4)
13118452334Nicky Huitson (B5)Ruth MacInerney (B2)
8125483358Ronan Dance (B7)Dave Hoskisson (B4)
7126433307Peter Thorpe (B13)Rose Northmore (B16)
4131431300Rose Northmore (B16)Nicky Huitson (B5)
6135439304Nicky Huitson (B5)Adrienne Berger (B8)
14137435298Greg Kelly (B1)Stephen Wintle (B12)
6138452314Alan Abela (B10)Rose Northmore (B16)
5141508367Ruth MacInerney (B2)Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)
11144428284Greg Kelly (B1)Dave Hoskisson (B4)
14149471322Peter Thorpe (B13)Dave Hoskisson (B4)
13150452302Adrienne Berger (B8)Suzanne Dundas (B6)
2151485334David Reading (B11)Thomas Carey (B15)
6155466311Christine Cooper (B3)David Reading (B11)
1159441282Dave Hoskisson (B4)Nicky Huitson (B5)
9165452287Rose Northmore (B16)Thomas Carey (B15)
3175481306Ruth MacInerney (B2)Alan Abela (B10)
13176568392Ronan Dance (B7)Stephen Wintle (B12)
13195501306Dave Hoskisson (B4)Peter Thorpe (B13)
4207539332Dave Hoskisson (B4)Peter Thorpe (B13)
14207455248David Reading (B11)Ruth MacInerney (B2)
11213511298Stephen Wintle (B12)Peter Thorpe (B13)
4215532317Suzanne Dundas (B6)Mary Allen (B14)
5234502268Dave Hoskisson (B4)Rose Northmore (B16)
11235555320Nicky Huitson (B5)Mary Allen (B14)
3238476238Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)Rose Northmore (B16)
1259543284Ronan Dance (B7)David Reading (B11)
6274547273Peter Thorpe (B13)Wanda De_Poitiers (B9)

This report was generated by tsh version 3.330. For more information about tsh, please contact Stewart Holden or John Chew.