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UK Open Warm Up - 4th and 5th January 2025

Division B Round 9 Alphabetic Pairings

TablePlayer Opponent
16Alan Abela (B10) replies Mary Allen (B14) starts
16Mary Allen (B14) starts Alan Abela (B10) replies
10Adrienne Berger (B8) starts David Reading (B11) replies
13Thomas Carey (B15) starts Rose Northmore (B16) replies
15Christine Cooper (B3) replies Dave Hoskisson (B4) starts
11Ronan Dance (B7) replies Peter Thorpe (B13) starts
14Wanda De_Poitiers (B9) replies Stephen Wintle (B12) starts
17Suzanne Dundas (B6) starts Nicky Huitson (B5) replies
15Dave Hoskisson (B4) starts Christine Cooper (B3) replies
17Nicky Huitson (B5) replies Suzanne Dundas (B6) starts
12Greg Kelly (B1) starts Ruth MacInerney (B2) replies
12Ruth MacInerney (B2) replies Greg Kelly (B1) starts
13Rose Northmore (B16) replies Thomas Carey (B15) starts
10David Reading (B11) replies Adrienne Berger (B8) starts
11Peter Thorpe (B13) starts Ronan Dance (B7) replies
14Stephen Wintle (B12) starts Wanda De_Poitiers (B9) replies

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